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The World According to Garp

2309829076?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024The World According to Garp is John Irving's fourth novel. Published in 1978, the book was a bestseller for several years. It was a finalist for the National Book Award for Fiction in 1979, and its first paperback edition won the Award the following

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To be a pilgrim

A BBC full cast dramatisation of Rachel Joyce's wonderful book " The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry".

Staring Anton Rodgers as Harold Fry.

128kbps - 40.3MB - Art work embedded in the file.

File located in this groups uploads folder.

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Faust by JW Von Goethe


The medieval folk legend of Simon Magus, who makes a pact with the devil, forms the basis of Goethe's famous work. Disenchanted with the limitations of his academic knowledge, Dr Faust decides to study the arts of magic and to master the supernatu

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Paid Servant

Paid Servant by E R Braithwaite [1962] Dramatised in 5 parts by Anne Edyvean Directed by Jessica Dromgoole First broadcast from 20080609 to 20080613 (Woman's Hour Drama) repeated on BBC7, 20081020 to 20081024 The drama, set in London in 1958, is ba

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Daphnis and Chloe by Longus


By Longus, abridged by Hattie Naylor

The ancient Greek tale of two naive lovers who were attacked by pirates, but helped by supernatural forces and the power of their rapport with nature.


Longus .........Adrian Scarborough

Chloe .........

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

2309828026?profile=originalMarcy Kahan's dramatization of Mark Twain's classic tale, following Huck and the runaway slave Jim on their journey down the Mississippi on a raft.

Adapted by Marcy Kahan
Directed by Ned Chaillet
Music specially composed by John Roby
BBC Radio 4 -

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The Cairo Trilogy by Mahfouz Naquib


The Cairo Trilogy by Mahfouz Naquib    

"The trilogy recounts, with Tolstoyan assurance, the lives, marriages and disruptive extramarital passions of a Muslim family of the middling merchant class.(...) For the American reader, Mahfouz's writing pro

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The Pearl by John Steinbeck


By John Steinbeck, dramatised by Donna Franceschild

The discovery of the “pearl of the world” appears to be the answer to a family’s problems: it’s so valuable that it will pay for the medical treatment their baby needs.

But while everyone wants th

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