To be a pilgrim

A BBC full cast dramatisation of Rachel Joyce's wonderful book " The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry".

Staring Anton Rodgers as Harold Fry.

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  • To Be a Pilgrim
    Rachel Joyce.

    Maureen believes Harold hasn't got up out of the chair since he retired six months ago. But one day he opens a letter and everything changes.

    “A radio play whose deceptive simplicity conceals a rich, complex emotional tapestry.  A man goes out to post a letter, but feels compelled to carry on walking.  What follows is a radio pilgrimage that surprises and empowers both central characters and listeners alike.” – Jo Hodder, of the Society of Authors, on suttonelms.

    Winner of the 2007 Tinniswood Award for Best Radio Play of 2006.

    Don’t worry.  It’s not one of those feel-good dramas, or sentimental journeys, or aren’t-those-older-people-full-of-pithy-wisdom plays.  It’s real and it’s harsh and it’s tender and it’s funny and oh, my word – the cast…!  So – don’t worry, and even more importantly -- don’t miss this one.

    Odd bit of trivia:  Rachel Joyce used this play as the basis of her first novel, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (2012).  If you enjoy Harold (and it is difficult to resist him), do read the book!  

    “Late last year the time came to pick 2012’s ‘new face’ for books: I read a pile of first novels and enjoyed a few, but there was only one I adored, and that was The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry… It is a funny book, a wise book, a charming book – but never cloying.  It’s a book with a savage twist, - and yet never seems manipulative.  Perhaps because Harold himself is just wonderful… I’m telling you now: I love this book.”  -- from The Times

    Anton Rogers as Harold
    Anna Massey as Maureen
    Niamh Cusack as Queenie

    Directed and Produced by Tracey Neale

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