Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton

Thomas Middleton's Jacobean classic in which the women are the worst betrayers.


When Leantio's beautiful wife Bianca catches the eye of the Duke, the worldly Livia arranges an assignation, plunging Bianca into the vice and corruption of the court.




Bianca.........Beth Chalmers

Cardinal.........Dorien Thomas

Duke.........Nigel Terry

Fabritio.........James Greene

Guardiano.........Bill Wallis

Hippolito.........Andrew Wincott

Isabella.........Sara McGaughey

Leantio.........John Mcandrew

Livia.........Penny Downie

Mother.........Manon Edwards

Sordido.........Simon Ludders

Ward.........Robert Harper


Directed by Alison Hindell.




Size 61MB. Length 132 min. Bit Rate 64kbs


Rikkla has added a better encode of this drama,  and the link is attached.


 My thanks to him for this. His posting is shown below.


Women Beware Women - 128K LINK


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  • 2473767889?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton
    Drama On 3
    BBC Radio 3 - 2003-03-30

    128K - As Requested

    Jacobean classic in which the women are the worst betrayers. 

    When Leantio's beautiful wife Bianca catches the eye of the Duke, the worldly Livia arranges an assignation, plunging Bianca into the vice and corruption of the court.

    Livia ...... Penny Downie
    Bianca ...... Beth Chalmers
    Leantio ...... John McAndrew
    Mother ...... Manon Edwards
    Guardiano ...... Bill Wallis
    Isabella ...... Sara McGayghey
    Hippolito ...... Andrew Wincott
    Fabritio ...... James Greene
    Duke ...... Nigel Terry
    Cardinal ...... Dorien Thomas
    Ward ...... Robert Harper
    Sordido ...... Simon Ludders

    Directed by Alison Hindell

    Women Beware Women - 128K LINK

  • Thanks for this . would it be 

    2003-03-30 - Drama On 3 - Women Beware Women / 

    2005-08-28 - Drama On 3 - Women Beware Women - Repeat

    It sounds better that I would expect for the 1962 dates

    • Sorry I cannot help with the date first broadcast, Paul. I only started collecting first hand as it was in 2003. The BBC has kept a lot and has found more through appeals to listeners for home recordings. That being said there is so much more to be found as reported at the Suttonelms websites.

  • Thanks!

    • Always a pleasure Abby

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