Touch Dancing & "Cutting In"

This illustration is from a book of etiquette for 1950s teenagers, written by Emily Post. "Cutting In" was actually a second guy asking to replace the first guy so he could dance with the girl.In 1960, teenage touch dancing went out the window when The Twist and The Mashed Potato came in.Etiquette itself was attacked in the late-1960s when young people rebelled against "The Establishment," but was upheld (as usual) by women, many of whom had the leisure time to bother determining what was correct and what was not.Most aspects of etiquette finally died in the 1970s when the younger women and housewives joined the workforce, and the old ladies of etiquette died off.Nowardays I consider myself lucky when I meet someone who says Please and Thank You. It makes me feel very old.
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