Ruby, Teru and Rodant Kapoor, arrive on the planet of Möbius-Morpheus, a planet of dreamers. The Morpheusians believe that since life is a dream, they may as well dream up their own dreams. But something is hap
Ruby steps into a tavern, The Tickley Tentacle," and discovers her old friend, the Tookah, behind the bar polishing glasses. Ruby entices the Tookah to tell his strange tales of what it's like to live on other plane
Wherever Rodant Kapoor attempts to hide in this vast universe of ours, his Mother always finds him. So when the Techno-Witches, Onoffon and Offonoff, ask Kapoor to try out "The Rapturizer," a device they've invented
The Secret of the Crystal Maidens ZBS 320K - 1 rar file containng 9 mp3s and 1 jpg - 164 Mb
While exploring a cave in Belize, Jack Flanders hears a voice calling his name. Deep within, he discovers a woman who appears to have risen up out of the cave f
Halloween Show 2008, Part 1 Performed live on Halloween night on 91.1 WKNO FM, this chilling anthology show marks Chatterbox's broadcast radio debut. The production's first half features stories by Robert Arnold, Tony Isbell, and Chris Davis.
Sound so visual you're literally engulfed by its bonechilling terror!
Stephen King's sinister imagination and the miracle of 3-D sound
transport you to a sleepy all-American town. It's a hot, lazy day,
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A Dixon & Sparks Mystery The Night Has Begun By Meatball Fulton/ZBS 320K
Polly Parker believes someone has put a curse on her fiancé, Clifford Barnett. Clifford and his partner, Alan Hendrix, are what’s called headhunters, they find executives to run co
PLUS!: Episodes 5.0a and 5.0b are two individual releases that lead up to Series 5 and are not officially part of the Series. They are not needed to understand Series 5, but are included for completeness.
Theatrical impresario Henry Gordon Jago and police surgeon Professor George Litefoot were created by Robert Holmes in one of everyone’s favourite classic Doctor Who stories, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, acting
Jago & Litefoot: Investigators of Infernal Incidents
Series 1
Jago and Litefoot were two characters who appeared in the Tom Baker story The Talons of Weng-Chiang. Big Finish brought them back for a Companion Chronicle called The Mahogany Murd
Written By: Jonathan Morris, Matthew Sweet, George Mann, Justin Richards Directed By: Lisa Bowerman Sound Design: Howard Carter Music: Howard Carter Cover Art: Alex Mallinson 5 Zips in 1 RAR 320K
Good ol' Mojo (you remember him from ZBS Productions Moon Over Morocco), takes a job playing piano at the Armadillo bistro & Cabaret in the town of Coyote, New Mexico. There's some pretty wild characters up th
A "Great Northern" Audio Double Header of Science Fiction and outrageous Comedy. Two absolutely Amazing stories that are completely different and both truly Wonderful. Take Firesign Theaters' Davi