"The Mangle War" by Bill Farrow



Being an account of the great Anglo-French Mangle War of 1903 and of the patriotic role played in its outcome by a popular Music Hall song.


The words and music were composed for your pleasure by aging matinee idol Mr William Farrow, and performed for the hell of it by the esteemed Mangle Theatre Company.


It has been brought to our attention that some cynical listeners doubt that any such war took place, and that this melange of melody and mirth is an entirely fictional load of porkie pies.


Oh, come on! How else do you explain that the French mangle-makers never made any inroads into the English market?


And the Eiffel Tower really IS English - honest!



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  • Found lots more by this group and they all sound good.

    • Paul:

      You'll find a full collection of their work right here in the "Hosiprog" group.

  • Yes the Mangle, I remember ours well, not as in the illustration but a much more modern one with "rubber" rollers. I think it came with the prefab but am not sure about that. They certainly got the water out of the clothes.

    Quite a nice cast and goes along at a pace - good listening.

    Give it a try.

    Paul Hudson

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