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  • Even in my twilight years I still enjoy radio plays etc. We have been lucky in Tasmania that the Covid 19 pandemic has been kept at bay, even though we are under strict rules set by the government. Makes it almost impossible to visit other areas of Australia or overseas.Good luck to other members of the radio listeners.

  • Thanks Rik.

  • thanks for letting me in!

  • Thanks for allowing me to join.

    Much appreciated.

    Rick M

  • Hi Steve,

    It doesn't hurt in comments on the group here but you would have more luck with Private requests.  ---------------------  Rick

  • Thank you for the quick acceptance Generosity of spirit and efficiency-if only more organisations were like that .Thank you

  • May I put in a request for anything by Lenny Bruce? Or does this go into Private Requests?



  • Thanks so much for letting me join! Really looking forward to so much wonderful, laugh-inducing radio!
  • Thank you for this information, Bob.  I meant no disrespect by my open inquiry.
  • The entire run of Navy Lark is available at RadioArchive:


    It's over 4 GB or I'd go get it ....



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Give or Take by Wally K Daly

Wally K. Daly was best known for his radio sci-fi dramas, such as the Scream trilogy but could also turn his hand to comedy. In 1979, Wally created Give or Take, the story of Sam and Annabel Baker, a typical young married couple from the north of England. The adventures start on the couple’s third wedding anniversary. Sam makes ends meet by working in a bank, surrounded by other people’s money, until one day he wins half-a-million on the football pools. How will the sudden change of…

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Drop Me Here, Darling

Written by Andrew Palmer. ‘Drop Me Here, Darling’ ran from December 1982 to February 1983. It starred Leslie Phillips and Jill Bennett as a recently divorced couple, Leslie and Caroline Duggan. He was a successful businessman but has fallen on hard times - following the ‘80s property crash - and now earns a living by chauffeuring his wealthy ex, who runs the successful Quantum mail order company. Despite being divorced, their lives are interleaved and they keep a close, envious eye on each…

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Angstrom by Joel Morris and Jason Hazeley

Matthew Holness stars as Knut Ångström, a brooding alcoholic maverick Swedish detective from the tough streets of Oslo, in a Scandinavian detective yarn adapted from the bestselling Ångström trilogy by Martin English (writing as Bjorgen Swedensson). Following the death of his wife, Ångström is posted to the Njalsland peninsula where he becomes embroiled in a labyrinthine murder (or possibly not-murder) case which bears an eerie similarity to the Askeladden killings - a case from his distant…

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