Since the Big 3 of excellent radio besides the hands down leader the BBC and The US for OTR Volume would be Australian, SA (Springbok) and the CBC Canada. The US dominates the OTR Groups, there is BBC galore in almost every Genre group, US dominates OTR, we have a Springbok Group and now an Australian Group, but there seems to be something missing. What could it be? I know, now we need a CBC Group. I wouldn't want to slight my (US) Northern Neighbor, Canada. That just wouldn't be right so here is the debut of The CBC Group. A lot of the CBCs best is already posted on TP so besides finding new shows to post it is time for a little creative rearranging and linking.
Max Ferguson (CBC Radio)
Max Ferguson had a fifty year career with the CBC. He had started with "The Rawhide Show" which ran from the late 1940's through the early 1960s. Here's an example of his Rawhide program. Does anyone have more of these or could you point me to a source for them? Thanks!
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Thank you for Theater 10:30!
Thanks for creating this Forum, Rick!
I will never question your reasoning for categorizing since I get all the benefits. Thanks for the new group.
Thanks for the invitation, Robert! I really appreciate it...grew up listening to the CBC.
I thank you for the invitation.
No Paul, no Britain. The BBC is a good 90-95% of all the posts in the genre groups. In fact this site was built on the BBC first with US OTR close behind. I am not linking most of the site to one group, No way! I explained it real well in the blurb of one of the 2 new groups. They were being slighted and lost in the glut of BBC, Springbok and OTR. As much as i love the Beeb that will never happen. Sorry !! ------------------ R
Well first Australia and now Canada this will soon be a Commonwealth site - Great. Will Britain be next?
Thanks for the invite !
Merci beaucoup! (For our friends in Province Quebec!)