Famous Escapes
Here is an interesting series from Australia around 1945 called Famous Escapes. The episodes deal with some of the most daring escapes in history by some of the most remarkable characters.
Read more…Here is an interesting series from Australia around 1945 called Famous Escapes. The episodes deal with some of the most daring escapes in history by some of the most remarkable characters.
Read more…The Adventures of Rocky Starr
128K - 1.06 Gb in 3 rar files
The Adventures of Rocky Starr was a 1950s Production from Australian Radio. It spotlighted the Interplanetary Adventures of Rocky Starr and his his fearless crew of Mitch Morgan and Anne
Read more…Probably the best remembered of the many radio talent quests which blossomed during the 1940's and 50's . Compared by Harry Dearth and Dick Fair during the 1940's, and by Terry Dear in the 50's, Australia's Amateur Hour was broadcast each week from l
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