Slipstream is a radio drama written by Simon Bovey, broadcast on BBC Radio 7 in March 2008 in 5 episodes. This wartime tale tells of a British commando raid on a German experimental aircraft development site, following reports of a new German aircraft capable of fantastic speeds, which shot down 150 Allied bombers. It is described as silver and disc-shaped: have the Nazis built a flying saucer?
- 1of5 Into the Wolf's Lair (25.6Mb)
- 2of5 The Eagle's Nest (25.5Mb)
- 3of5 The Tomorrow World (25.6Mb)
- 4of5 This Island Earth (25.6Mb)
- 5of5 Fight for the Future (25.9Mb)
Thanks for this, Robert. It looks like a good one!