OTRR certified The Great Gildersleeve v4.0


OTRR certified The Great Gildersleeve v4.0 (2 DVDs/10 CDs - 6.8 GBs) is available for download from Dropbox or OneDrive. Thanks to all those who made this collection possible.

These links will be available for 30 days. Dropbox, because of bandwidth limitations, is by DVD only. The OneDrive link is for the entire set.

DVD 1: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1va3850wyg36680/AAApMeInNqgE5_lG6mmtW62Ca?dl=0
DVD 2: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pjoxn1qaa7ks7tq/AACy7zCMjZ-Iw3h3TmJo0KYua?dl=0

OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al5Sbh6lIkj5jNBqZBGJtqkydCyF2w


The Great Gildersleeve is a radio situation comedy broadcast from August 31, 1941, to March 21, 1957. Initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson,[3] it was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. The series was built around the character Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve, a regular element of the radio situation comedy Fibber McGee and Molly. The character was introduced in the October 3, 1939 episode (number 216) of that series. The Great Gildersleeve enjoyed its greatest popularity in the 1940s. Actor Harold Peary played the character during its transition from the parent show into the spinoff and later in four feature films released at the height of the show's popularity.

In Fibber McGee and Molly, Peary's Gildersleeve had been a pompous windbag and nemesis of Fibber McGee. "You're a haa-aa-aa-aard man, McGee!" became a Gildersleeve catchphrase. The character went by several aliases on Fibber McGee and Molly; his middle name was revealed to be "Philharmonic" in "Gildersleeve's Diary" episode on October 22, 1940.

"Gildy" grew so popular that Kraft Foods—promoting its Parkay margarine—sponsored a new series featuring Peary's somewhat mellowed and always befuddled Gildersleeve as the head of his own family.

Change Log:

V. 4

CD #1 replaced Gildersleeve - Tug of My Heart; Screen Guild Players 450813 258 Gildersleeve's Bad Day; added Sealtest Variety Theater 49-07-07 Gildersleeve Skit; added scripts for Great Gildersleeve 43-12-19, Great Gildersleeve 1954 September 27, Great Gildersleeve 1954 September 28

CD #3 added 45-01-28 (154) Aunt Hattie Forrester arrives (AFRS); 45-02-11 (156) Aunt Hattie Interferes (AFRS); removed duplicate 44-09-03 (133) Lonely Gildy

CDs #4-10 shifted files

CD #5 added 46-10-02 (219) Leila's Wedding Invitations (AFRTS); 46-10-16 (221) Gildy Contemplates Early Retirement (AFRTS); 46-10-30 (223) Real Estate Agent - Hooker as a Boarder (AFRTS); 46-11-13 (225) Smitten by an Unknown Beautiful Lady (AFRTS); 47-01-15 (234) Jolly Boy's Sleigh Ride - Judge Hooker (rebroadcast); 47-03-19 (243) Stuck with Water Dept Money Overnight (AFRTS)

upgraded 47-01-08 (233) Leila Back for a Visit - Gildy in Love; 47-03-26 (244) First Day of Spring - New Piano Teacher (AFRS)

CD #9 replaced incorrectly labeled 57-03-07 (xxx) Gildy Causes Water Outage; deleted duplicate 53-03-18 The Jam Session; added The Great Gildersleeve 52-12-10 (476) Leroy's Part Time Employment (AFRS)

CD #10 added Gildersleeve Recreation 42-05-24 Three Dates For USO Dance; Christmas Party (modern script)

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