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  • Clayton Moore was a serial star at Republic in the late Forties, before becoming the Lone Ranger. He had been the hero in "Perils of Nyoka", the famous jungle serial starring Kay Aldridge. He followed "Jesse James Rides Again" with "Adventures of Frank and Jesse James,' which again had the James Brothers trying to atone for past misdeeds. Obviously a fabrication from Republic Pictures. There was at this time renewed interest in Jesse James since an elderly gentleman showed up in St. Louis, Mo. (where the real JJ had been living when he was shot by Bob Ford). This old geezer claimed that he was the real JJ and that another man's body had been put in Jesse's grave. The media courted the old guy until a few questions were asked about JJ that the old man couldn't answer. Moore made his final western serial, "Ghost of Zorro" in 1949 in which he played the masked avenger. It was footage from this serial that helped him secure the role of the Lone Ranger on television. "Jesse James Rides Again" was also the swan song for Republic's Serial Queen, Linda Stirling, who left the studio to get married and raise a family.
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