Death Valley Days was an American radio and television anthology series featuring true stories of the old American West, particularly the Death Valley area. Created in 1930 by Ruth Woodman, the program was broadcast on radio until 1945. It continued from 1952 to 1975 as a syndicated television series. The series was sponsored by the Pacific Coast Borax Company (20 Mule Team Borax, Boraxo).
California Gold Rush in Reverse is hosted by Will Rogers Jr. and features a minor part by a very young Doug McClure. The story revolves around the discovery of gold in the California territory. McClure, as a young Army officer, wants the Army to have the honor of delivering the news back to Washington of the California gold strike. Stanley Lachman, as a Navy officer, wants the Navy to get the word to the capitol. So the race is on!
Seemed OK for me.
can i download to my MP3 player? Haven't had success.?? Ed