Adventures of Superman is an American television series based on comic book characters and concepts created in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The show is the first television series to feature Superman and began filming in 1951 in California on RKO-Pathé stages and the RKO Forty Acres back lot. It was sponsored by cereal manufacturer Kellogg's. The show, which was produced for first-run television syndication rather than a network, has disputed first and last air dates but are generally accepted as September 19, 1952 and April 28, 1958.[1] The show's first two seasons (episodes 1–52, 26 titles per season) were filmed in black-and-white; seasons three through six (episodes 53–104, 13 titles per season) were filmed in color but originally telecast in black and white. Superman was not shown in color until the series was syndicated to local stations in 1965.
George Reeves played Clark Kent/Superman, with Jack Larson as Jimmy Olsen, John Hamilton as Perry White, and Robert Shayne as Inspector Henderson. Phyllis Coates played Lois Lane in the first season, with Noel Neill stepping into the role in the second (1953) and later seasons. Superman battles crooks, gangsters, and other villains in the fictional city of Metropolis while masquerading "off-duty" as Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, Clark's colleagues at the office, often find themselves in dangerous situations which can only be resolved with Superman's timely intervention.
Its opening theme is known as The Superman March. In 1987, selected episodes of the show were released to video. In 2006, the series became available in its entirety on DVD. The feature film Hollywoodland was released in 2006, dramatizing the show's production and the death of its star George Reeves.
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- Clark Kent Extras.avi
- Superman 01x01 Superman On Earth.avi
- Superman 01x02 The Haunted Lighthouse.avi
- Superman 01x03 The Case Of The Talkative Dummy.avi
- Superman 01x04 Mystery Of The Broken Statues.avi
- Superman 01x05 The Monkey Mystery.avi
- Superman 01x06 Night Of Terror.avi
- Superman 01x07 The Birthday Letter.avi
- Superman 01x08 The Mind Machine.avi
- Superman 01x09 Rescue.avi
- Superman 01x10 The Secret Of Superman.avi
- Superman 01x11 No Holds Barred.avi
- Superman 01x12 The Deserted Village.avi
- Superman 01x13 The Stolen Costume.avi
- Superman 01x14 Treasure Of The Incas.avi
- Superman 01x15 Double Trouble.avi
- Superman 01x16 Mystery In Wax.avi
- Superman 01x17 The Runaway Robot.avi
- Superman 01x18 Drums Of Death.avi
- Superman 01x19 The Evil Three.avi
- Superman 01x20 The Riddle Of The Stolen Jade.avi
- Superman 01x21 The Human Bomb.avi
- Superman 01x22 Czar Of The Underworld.avi
- Superman 01x23 Ghost Wolf.avi
- Superman 01x24 Crime Wave.avi
- Superman 01x25 The Unknown People Pt1.avi
- Superman 01x26 The Unknown People Pt2.avi
- Superman 02x01 Five Minutes To Doom.avi
- Superman 02x02 The Big Squeeze.avi
- Superman 02x03 The Man Who Could Read Minds.avi
- Superman 02x04 Jet Ace.avi
- Superman 02x05 Shot In The Dark.avi
- Superman 02x06 The Defeat Of Superman.avi
- Superman 02x07 Superman In Exile.avi
- Superman 02x08 A Ghost For Scotland Yard.avi
- Superman 02x09 The Dog Who Knew Superman.avi
- Superman 02x10 The Face And The Voice.avi
- Superman 02x11 The Man In The Lead Mask.avi
- Superman 02x12 Panic In The Sky.avi
- Superman 02x13 The Machine That Could Plot Crimes.avi
- Superman 02x14 Jungle Devil.avi
- Superman 02x15 My Friend Superman.avi
- Superman 02x16 The Clown Who Cried.avi
- Superman 02x17 The Boy Who Hated Superman.avi
- Superman 02x18 Semi Private Eye.avi
- Superman 02x19 Perry Whites Scoop.avi
- Superman 02x20 Beware The Wrecker.avi
- Superman 02x21 The Golden Vulture.avi
- Superman 02x22 Jimmy Olsen Boy Editor.avi
- Superman 02x23 Lady In Black.avi
- Superman 02x24 Star Of Fate.avi
- Superman 02x25 The Whistling Bird.avi
- Superman 02x26 Around The World With Superman.avi
- Superman 03x01 Through The Time Barrier.avi
- Superman 03x02 The Talking Clue.avi
- Superman 03x03 The Lucky Cat.avi
- Superman 03x04 Superman Week.avi
- Superman 03x05 Great Caesars Ghost.avi
- Superman 03x06 Test Of A Warrior.avi
- Superman 03x07 Olsen's Millions.avi
- Superman 03x08 Clark Kent Outlaw.avi
- Superman 03x09 The Magic Necklace.avi
- Superman 03x10 The Bully Of Dry Gulch.avi
- Superman 03x11 Flight To The North.avi
- Superman 03x12 The Seven Souvenirs.avi
- Superman 03x13 King For A Day.avi
- Superman 04x01 Joey.avi
- Superman 04x02 The Unlucky Number.avi
- Superman 04x03 The Big Freeze.avi
- Superman 04x04 Peril By Sea.avi
- Superman 04x05 Topsy Turvy.avi
- Superman 04x06 Jimmy The Kid.avi
- Superman 04x07 The Girl Who Hired Superman.avi
- Superman 04x08 The Wedding Of Superman.avi
- Superman Extra Commercials.avi
- Superman Extra.avi
- Superman and the Mole Men.avi
- The Adventures Of Superboy - Pilot.avi