UFO Theories

K, I most definatly have my theories about these oddities in the skies. Should we plunge into them through respectful disscussion?..lol..

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  • ..so could these be the Fallen Angels the bible talks about??? The disembodied spirits of the Nephilim?? the hoards that were cast out of their Original home, as books in the Bible talk about,,,the Epic of Gilgamesh?? The Book of Enoch??...
    Or could we be dealing with Beings that have the technology to maipulate the environment and dimensional surroundings at their will to accomplish their agenda? what is their agenda?? where do they come from??
    There certainly seems be be a variety of different beings according to witness accounts. Greys,,,reptilian,,etc...??? what do you think?
    • Any and all could be possible. There are those who believe they created us. The religious overtones to that are staggering. Some believe they keep us only to provide for certain needs they have in keeping their kind in existence due to weakening immune systems and problems reproducing. There are also the human/ET hybrids they seem to be working on. For all we know our world may exist in some cosmic petrie dish. Under a microscope a drop of water looks like a universe unto itself. Molecules and atoms planets. Perhaps we exist in somethings pocket and our world will end when it's decided it needs washing.
      From what little I know it would seem to be the Reptilians who have practiced genetic engineering. The Greys seem to be some sort of specially created life form employed to carry out the work of their makers. There have also been theories put forth concerning the crafts they use. Some believe these vehichles are in part made up of living material. It's mind boggling!!
      You've come to the right place on the internet. I'm sure by now you've seen the many and varied posts that have been put up. I hope you'll listen to and enjoy them all and will share whatever stuff you may have with us. We're EXTREMELY open minded here and share the belief that everyone has the God given right to their opinions. Jim
  • lol...okay here it goes!..lol..

    Well..this is something I've studied for a long time,,and keep an open mind to the evidence while I do it.
    These things,,any normal human HAS to look at the evidence and say.."Something...is going on"
    Not sure what,,but Something?
    These objects have been documented in excess of speeds 20,000MPH up to 40,000MPH!.and even higher than that on radar.Now if that doesn't make any Normal human question things,,they have also on a regular basis,, been able to de-materialize in a nano second,,as well as performing right angle turns and complete stops at these breakneck speeds!
    now,,,anyone know what will happen to any lifeform on our Third Stone even "IF" we could achieve such speeds?? And perfrom a right angle turn doing 35K MPH??
    Yup,,,that's right,,we would Vapourize. This poses a problem....
    Also...going in excess of the speed of sound,,there has never been a Documented account of one making a Sonic Boom when breaking the speed of sound..WHY???
    this defies the Laws of Physics....strange?...you bet!
    I don't believe these things travell from any planet just to hang around for a split second and disapear....
    Their message is one it seems of apocalyptical overtones..never bringing a MEANS to peace to our planet and the beings on it,,,but rather Abducting them without consent and performing humiliating experiments on them..etc..floating humans through walls,,and the disapearance of time for the victims.
    It seems to me,,that these "beings" lend more to Dimensional beings outside of our Space/ Time domain....they have atributes more to the side of Demons and Angels,,than actuall beings from another Planet...to defy Physics...is something Pre-Ternatural beings have been given creedence to...Angels and Demons have in history been able to materialize at will,,,ageless,,appear at will,,disappear at will,,Incubi and Succubi in history also have performed experiements on humans as well as sexual encounters...not supernatural at all.....................preternatural...gives us a different perspective when you say preternatural eh?
    My Theory is,,that we are dealing with a Cosmic Deception with beings that have been around a LONG time,,and have a very sinister and Malignat intent.
    There is something happening over our skies....but are we really able to accept the Truth if we find it??? It's alot of happy feelings to believe that these are physical beings from another world,,but the evidence shows otherwise...thus far anyway...
    angels in the bible and other writting have been able to take on physical form,,,Jacob wrestled with an angel,,,the population of Soddom and Gomorrah lusted after angels with their visit to Lot,,and ate a meal as well...they aslo have always appeared to be male in appearance...
    Is there a connection?? are we being decieved?? anyone read the Plethera of literature that the upmost Ufo authour has written over the years about the subject?? He certainly changed his view, and is thinking along the same lines. His name is Jaques Vallee. Look him up...good reading there....
    So...lol..this is my little introduction to this huge expanse of UFO's...let's see where it takes us.....and let's keep it respectful..everyone is entitled an opinion.
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