WCRS Radio Stage - Sherlock Holmes Assignment

I found many references to this on the net and each and every one was a trail to a brick wall. I am posting this for 2 reasons. The first is to find out if anyone has more information about it than just the name? The second is: I beg of you, Does anyone have a better copy than this? Thank You all for reading this, even if you have no information about it. If you have information or a better copy or both, I will be forever in your debt.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick Since the above was written Bob Anson has provided a slightly better copy of this program. My copy has been deleted in favor of Bob's copy. Thanks Bob. Does anyone have an even better one or was this copy the best one available? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick

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  • I can add a few details, courtesy of the Goldindex and some research:

    Radio Stage. 2000. WCRS-LP, Columbus, Ohio. "The Sherlock Holmes Assignment". The program was produced in Akron, Ohio. The date subject to correction. Arthur Conan Doyle (creator), Michael Elliott (writer), Mel Heart (?), Steven Roden (?), Brad Vincent, Bob Holland, Jim Johan, David Dinkley, David Bakely (writer, producer), David Crawford (composer, performer, producer), Joe Calley (host). 29:45

    WCRS-LP is an low-power local station still broadcasting in the Akron area for a few hours (drive-time) per day. It should not be confused with WCRS-AM, a local station in South Carolina.

    My copy of The Sherlock Holmes Assignment seems a bit better than the one posted.
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