The Mis-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes starring and created by Joe Bevilacqua:
Originally aired on WBAI in New York back in 1983 and later re-aired on NPR in 1993, the ten episodes below were created by WBAI DJ, Joe Bevilacqua. The series is based upon the premise that Holmes is an inept bungler and that Watson is the real brains behind the duo. Each show is 30m and the entire series should be acquired and heard as a set.
#1 "The Mystery of the Creepy Hack Writer" ~ Watson allows Holmes to move in with him and then plots with Arthur Conan Doyle to profit from his ineptitude.
#2 "My Dinner at Baker Street" ~ Holmes invites his old arithmetic teacher over for dinner, unaware that he is in reality, his nemesis Professor Moriarty.
#3 "The Curse of MacMillan Castle" ~ On Christmas holiday in Scotland, Holmes and Watson encounter a mystery involving three witches, a dual personality, and the ghost of Macbeth.
#4 "Sherlock Holmes in Trouble" ~ Holmes is asked to solve the murder of a woman who was pushed off of London Bridge. "What a coincidence" exclaims Holmes, "I tripped over a cat on London Bridge this morning!!!"
#5 "A Study in Lavender" ~ Two cases collide: the accidental death of Professor Moriarty and the murder of Irene Adler's husband. Will Holmes' love for Irene get in the way?
#6 "The Death of Mr. Sherlock Holmes" ~ Watson sends Holmes off on a vacation in order to fake his death and boost his book sales.
#7 "The Giant Rat of Sumatra" ~ Did Holmes catch Jack the Ripper or is it just another one of his drug-induced hallucinations?
#8 "Tales from the Vienna Wards" ~ Holmes' drug mania finally lands him in Sigmund Freud's loony bin. Can Holmes be saved?
#9 "His Second-to-Last Bow" ~ Retired beekeeper Holmes follows William Gillette to America, thinking that he is a Holmes-imposter and ends up starring in a musical version of his life.
#10 "Revenge of the Beekeeper" ~ It seems that everyone is out to kill Holmes, but, in this last case of his detective career, he has his revenge on all of them.
Originally aired on WBAI in New York back in 1983 and later re-aired on NPR in 1993, the ten episodes below were created by WBAI DJ, Joe Bevilacqua. The series is based upon the premise that Holmes is an inept bungler and that Watson is the real brains behind the duo. Each show is 30m and the entire series should be acquired and heard as a set.
#1 "The Mystery of the Creepy Hack Writer" ~ Watson allows Holmes to move in with him and then plots with Arthur Conan Doyle to profit from his ineptitude.
#2 "My Dinner at Baker Street" ~ Holmes invites his old arithmetic teacher over for dinner, unaware that he is in reality, his nemesis Professor Moriarty.
#3 "The Curse of MacMillan Castle" ~ On Christmas holiday in Scotland, Holmes and Watson encounter a mystery involving three witches, a dual personality, and the ghost of Macbeth.
#4 "Sherlock Holmes in Trouble" ~ Holmes is asked to solve the murder of a woman who was pushed off of London Bridge. "What a coincidence" exclaims Holmes, "I tripped over a cat on London Bridge this morning!!!"
#5 "A Study in Lavender" ~ Two cases collide: the accidental death of Professor Moriarty and the murder of Irene Adler's husband. Will Holmes' love for Irene get in the way?
#6 "The Death of Mr. Sherlock Holmes" ~ Watson sends Holmes off on a vacation in order to fake his death and boost his book sales.
#7 "The Giant Rat of Sumatra" ~ Did Holmes catch Jack the Ripper or is it just another one of his drug-induced hallucinations?
#8 "Tales from the Vienna Wards" ~ Holmes' drug mania finally lands him in Sigmund Freud's loony bin. Can Holmes be saved?
#9 "His Second-to-Last Bow" ~ Retired beekeeper Holmes follows William Gillette to America, thinking that he is a Holmes-imposter and ends up starring in a musical version of his life.
#10 "Revenge of the Beekeeper" ~ It seems that everyone is out to kill Holmes, but, in this last case of his detective career, he has his revenge on all of them.