"Here's "The Devotees of Sherlock Holmes" a fascinating vintage rare BBC Radio Documentary probably circa 1970's about the fan clubs and societies that devote themselves to Sherlock Holmes. The programme includes amongst many fascinating things Discussion of the Sherlock Holmes phenomenon with Dame Jean Conan Doyle."
Duration: 30 minutes
Found this on Youtube. I've encoded a mp3 and uploaded it to Onedrive.
Onedrive The Devotees of Sherlock Holmes BBC Radio 1970s
It was uploaded by the user "videocurios". There are a number of Sherlock Holmes radio programmes but this was the only one I didn't have. S/he has some interesting video uploads as well. I grabbed the following:
Sherlock Holmes BBC Nationwide 1977 Marks 50 years since the publication last Sherlock Holmes Story.mp4
Sherlock Holmes Centenary Wogan BBC 1987 Stanley MacKenzie.mp4
Sherlock Holmes Collectors Lot Stanley Mackenzie.mp4
Sherlock Holmes Collectors Lot Part 2 of 2.mp4
Sherlock Holmes South Bank Show London Underground clip from Douglas Wilmer Bruce Partington Plans.mp4
Sherlock Holmes The 64 000 Question Uk Television Quiz 1991.mp4
Sherlock Holmes The Festival of Britain 1951.mp4
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Stamp of Greatness Documentary 1985.mp4
Here's the link to videocurios Youtube channel.
At the start of the show we hear that The Devotees is a series. I located some info about a programme called The Devotees ‘The Richard III Society’ from 1976 so that "circa 1970's" estimate in the description of this Holmes episode is probably correct.
Thanks, Jake. I haven't heard this one in many years!
Thank you Jake:)
Thanks for the Youtube link, Jake. The date I have for the Devotees episode is 10th March 1976.