Just got this via e-mail from Jim French.
Now there's NO excuse for not supporting them! :>)
We know how tough times are today. So we've been adamant about keeping our prices down, both for product and for shipping.
But we feel we're not doing enough to show our appreciation for our loyal fans so we've decided to try and make your Holiday shopping choices a bit easier. Therefore from now until the end of the year or December 31st, which ever comes first we’ll be getting into the spirit of the season with a sale on several of our downloadable box sets.
As many of you have already discovered downloads are the quick and easy not to mention instant way to have your purchase available for listening with in minutes of placing your order. Plus they can be stored on your computer, iPod, mp3 player or a portable (and eminently giftable) flashdrive. You can even burn the shows to a hard copy CD.
So take get in on our first ever download sale, and enjoy your Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanza shopping trip from the comfort of your own home. No crowds, no noise and no sore feet. Just take a look at these deals.
The History of Harry Nile 8 CD Box sets 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 normally
The Adventures of Harry Nile Collection and both collections of The Classic Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, normally
The four Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Box Sets normally
The Raffles, Gentleman Thief Box Set normally
Hillary Caine Box Set normally
Remember you only have until December 31st to take advantage of these deep price cuts after that … well who knows.