Sherlock Holmes E-book collection.

I have a collection of over 100 Holmesian e-books, mostly in Kindle format.

You can read them on any PC (or Mac, I believe) with the free Kindle app from Amazon (or on a Kindle, of course).

The quality of the writing varies wildly but, if anyone is interested, I'll post the entire set (it's only 80 MB) to my server.

Any interest?

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  • All set:

    One file - Holmes e-books.rar

    • Great Job.  I look forward to hours spent reading about the master.  Thank you again.

    • Enjoy them. I uncovered several volumes that I had forgotten I owned!

      I have quite q few more but many are far too old or rare to risk breaking the spine to scan them.

    • Just started looking through them--some great stuff here, Bob. Thanks again.

    • Thanks, Bob--I'm looking forward to looking through this.

  • I'd like to have a look, Bob. Thanks for asking.

    • I'll probably zip the whole thing up and post one file, rather than uploading over 200 files including covers, etc.

    • Sounds great, Bob.

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