I'm not sure if admin would prefer to see these incorporated into the existing Second Holmes discussion. Actually it's something I've come up against in the past so I wouldn't mind knowing one way or the other.
So BBC Radio 4 Extra are repeating this series from 1983 at the moment. Each show was repeated a few days after their first airings in 1983 but I'm not sure if they've been repeated between 1983 and now. It's good to see the BBC repeating some Holmes other than the Merrison series, Holmes vs Dracula and the 3 hour Nick Utechin show The Game's Afoot.
The existing versions in general circulation are 24kbps, of those that I've come across anyway, and thanks to whoever captued them originally. But it's time for an upgrade.
These are captured with get_iplayer as 128k aacs and then encoded to 128k mp3 as soon as the aac has downloaded (get_iplayer is a command line programme where you can just add --aactomp3 to the end of the line to do the conversion.) Then I trim out the announcers without decoding the mp3s using mp3splt. (Yes the aacs do sound a little better and no I don't keep them.)
At the time of making this post 3 of the 6 shows have aired. The BBC broadcast them Friday mornings at 9:00 am. I have made a folder for them on my 4 Shared account. I will add the remaining 3 as they air.
Here's the link to the folder:
Grant Eustace Second Holmes 128k
The same folder has an info sheet (the txt file) with stuff like dates and cast. The jpeg in the folder is of the one above which the BBC are using in their descriptions.
Thanks Jake! I didn't know these even existed,and i've been recording radio plays since 1976!! Much appreciated!
A quick message to say that I have just uploaded the final episode of this series which was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra this morning.
All the shows are in the 4Shared folder. The link to the folder is in the first post. 'Grant Eustace Second Holmes 128k'
Nice work, Jake!
Tell our friend Isa that i was thinking of him. :>)
Thanks for grabbing these. I'm sure that the new encodes will be a significant improvement over the old ones!
Bob - I have stuck them on your FTP as well (you know the FTP I'm talking about)
By the way thanks for your reply to my email from earlier this week. I just read it.
I have, actually I am as I type so give it 10 minutes, uploading the 4th episode broadcast this morning.
Also I should of mentioned in the first post that the info sheet txt file is a work in progress at the moment. I've just replaced the first one with a new one which has the descriptions up to the 5th episode but that's as far as the schedule goes for now.
I can't see an edit function available but what I said about the existing versions of this show in circulation. I just noticed that one of them at least is 32kbps and not 24k like I said. I checked one other which is 24k. I can't remember from where I got them originally.
Here's a link to the existing discussion by Rick which has a nice description of the shows.
Rick's Second Holmes
By the by - any ideas who the jpeg picture is? I don't know for certain. Douglas Wilmer?