News about two of our members

This is taken from the Imagination Theatre newsletter for August, 2012.

M. J. Elliott tells us that our Sherlock Holmes series are now mentioned in a new book titled "Sherlock Holmes Miscellany" by Roger Johnson and Jean Upton. Roger and Jean have been members of The Sherlock Holmes Society for many years and have both regularly contributed to its popular journal, which Roger edits. Other Sherlockian publications they have written for include The Baker Street Journal, The Musgrave Papers, The Passengers' Log, and The Ritual.

The book is slated for US release on November 1, 2012 and can be preordered at Amazon.

I've already pre-ordered mine!


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  • I grabbed the kindle version the other day. After Fenian Fire with it's complex and confusing relationships it was a welcome change!
    Personally I wanted to read it given Roger's (and Jean's, from hereon 'RJ') status in the world of Sherlock Holmes and I wasn't disappointed. It includes lots of great, and sometimes humourous, memories, anecdotes and observations and a number of wonderful photos from Jean's collection.
    For those new to Sherlock Holmes by buying this book they couldn't be better equipped, pointing them in the right direction with regards to books, web sites, films and so on. However the same information can be used by those who have followed the detective, and his loyal companion, for years. You only need to read the UK Society's District Messenger to know that Roger has reviewed thousands of books and other types of media. As I read it I made a number of notes on things that I'll be looking into.
    Thanks again Roger and Jean

    I would think that Roger and Jean are getting some fresh air at the moment or, in other words, on the 2012 Pilgrimage to Switzerland. One of the UK Society members, Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope, has a blog going with pictures.

    Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope's 2012 Pilgrimage to Switzerland blog

    • The Society's web page also includes updates from it's Twitter page. In one of the updates I noticed a link to World Radio Switzerland's web site which has a short 3 and a half minute feature on the 2012 Pilgrimage.

      You can listen to it on their web site. I have also knocked up a mp3 version and added it to my SkyDrive.

      The dizzying heights of Sherlock Holmes pilgrimage

      SkyDrive WRS 2012 Pilgrimage

    • The Swiss radio piece is nice to have, Jake. Thank you! (I wasn't able to download it myself.) In fact Jean and I didn't take part in this particular venture, though Jean provided a dozen or so cartoons for the brochure, so we're enjoying it all at second-hand.


    • I wondered why I couldn't see you in any of the photos Roger!

    • Thanks for this, Jake.

  • I've been thinking about buying this since it was mentioned in the District Messenger.

    I just checked the history press site where it's already available and they also link to Amazon UK for the kindle version. 

    So...what would happen if you're in the US and try to buy the kindle version from the Amazon UK site? Just out of interest...anybody?

    Roger...does the book have many illustrations? I've purchased a couple of books for my kindle for which I would of preferred a hardcopy because of the photos they included.

    I've just found that entry in the DM 323 pdf from 30 June:-

    ‘Let me recommend this book – one of the most remarkable ever
    penned.’ Well, perhaps that’s an exaggeration, but I hope you’ll like
    it anyway... It’s The Sherlock Holmes Miscellany by Roger Johnson
    & Jean Upton.

    The History Press page for book

    The Amazon UK page for the book includes the Look Inside option with the Gyles Brandreth intro. No idea if it's accessible to those without a UK IP address.

    Amazon UK page for book

    Congrats Roger and Jean.

    • Thanks, Jake.

      I don't know whether US readers can buy the Kindle version right now from Probably they can.

      There are about 30 illustrations in the book, mostly photographs.


    • Since getting a kindle last Xmas I've been doing all my reading on it until last week when I came across a hardback version of a book, unavailable on kindle, in the window of a local charity shop. It's a book I've wanted to read for years. In great condition for a couple of quid. I got it and found that I've really missed that feeling, and smell!, of a traditional print book in my hands. I also enjoy that moment when you've finished a book and add it to your bookshelves and see one's collection growing.

      On the flip side the kindle has lots of advantages over the traditional book. A few clicks on Amazon and the book is on your kindle.

      Decisions decisions.

      By the way the hardback I got from the charity shop was Christy Campbell's Fenian Fire, The British Plot to Assassinate Queen Victoria. I'm having trouble pulling myself away from it. A great read if you can keep up with all the double-crossing going on.

  • Would make a nice Christmas gift for the up coming holiday season.

  • 2473762367?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    I hope the book lives up to expectations, Bob...


    (Photo by Alistair Duncan)

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