
  • I ahve captured the full set of YouTube videos and added the subtitle (.srt) files using some external software.

    The full set is HERE as Sherlock Holmes (Russian 2013).RAR

    Please delete the aborted RAR file in the Uploads SH folder. It died and i decided to use my ADrive account instead of retrying.

  • a new Holmes on the Eastern Front, it is about time, the last one was excellent.

    the locations in the first series were beautiful examples of European architecture.

    hopefully this Holmes doesn't carry a Blackberry

    • Unless it's a crème de cassis!
    • oooooh la la, such a luxurious taste
    • The new series consisting of 8 films each of 90 minutes has been uploaded to YouTube, complete with subtitles. A search for "Sherlock Holmes Russian series" will find it. Holmes is young, scruffy and poor. Canonical elements are used but not as Doyle wrote them. I will not express an opinion, having been savaged  when I expessed my approval of the BBC "Sherlock"!

    • Thanks for the heads-up, Douglas. Sherlock Holmes is the world's and I may not like them all, but I don't resent re-imaginings.

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