Mastermind contestant on Sherlock Holmes 2015 season

Something I thought might be of interest.

We have a quiz show in the UK called Mastermind.

wikipedia describes the show thus;
"Mastermind is a British quiz show, well known for its challenging questions, intimidating setting and air of seriousness".

Each of the four contestants answer questions on their chosen subject in the first round and general knowledge in the second round.

The contestant gets two minutes to answer as many questions as can be squeezed into that time. In other words the contestants want to give an answer as quickly as possible.

For the 2015 season episode 6 one of the contestant's chosen subjects was "The Sherlock Holmes stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle".

The contestant's name is Geoff Snappes. Overall, with the general knowledge round, he came last.

I've uploaded a 720p mp4 video clip of the Sherlock Holmes part of the show to Sendspace. It's a little under 3 minutes. About 50MB. Adblockplus tells me it's blocking pop-ups so avoid those and don't "Download with Wizard". You just want the light blue box with "Download" in white text.

Try it and see how well you do compared to the contestant. I didn't do as well.

This isn't the first time Sherlock Holmes has been the subject on Mastermind. Here's a Youtube link to another occassion. I'm certain I watched this one when it was first broadcast. Uploader has the date as "circa late 1980's early 1990's".

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  • Thanks, Jake.

    I've uploaded an MP4 of the YouTube video that you referenced to the "Definitive Sherlock Holmes" folder here on TP.  It's entitled Sherlock Holmes - Mastermind - BBC Quiz Show

    The original YT offering is rather lo-fi, so the resulting MP4 file is only about 8.5 MB.

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