Holmes for children.

I originally wanted to upload something in keeping with the time of year.
But I thought Xmas isn't the best topic for a discussion.
As Xmas is a time for children I thought how about a discussion for Holmes adaptations recorded for children as I have some other Holmes for children recordings so I will upload those as well.
I would of liked to upload this a bit nearer to the 25th but I can see I will be busy over the coming days so here it is.

So Holmes and Xmas basically equals The Blue Carbuncle to me.
There's a series of books by Oxford University Press titled Dominoes. Actually I get the impression that they are not for children but for students for whom English is not their mother-tongue or late-learners. There are 120 titles split into 4 groups. Of these 120 there are 4 Holmes titles and The Lost World of interest to us here. I only have one - The Blue Carbuncle (titled The Blue Diamond here) - and have uploaded it as well as a pdf of the book that comes with it. The pdf is worth grabbing by the way. It's a type of activity book with some nice illustrations (and the owner's name on the first page.)  I came across this sometime back online so it's not my rip originally. The doc file has info about Dominoes and urls for the 5 Conan Doyle books in the series. The mp3 is just under 50 minutes. 44100/64 sample/bit rates. Does anybody have more of these Dominoes books?


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  • Next up is a rip of Jim Weiss' Sherlock Holmes For Children CD which contains 4 stories. The longest of these is SPEC at just under 18 minutes. 44100/64 sample/bit rates.



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