January 6th is observed by most Sherlockians as The Master's birthday.
In fact an astrologer has calculated that Holes was born at precisely 9:45 AM (GMT) on 6 January, 1854:
Sherlock Holmes was born at 9:45 a.m. (GMT) on 6 January, 1854:
Of course, Watson never disclosed Holmes' birthday in any of his chronicles and the literary agent, Doyle, was equally silent.
Here's a bit of fanfic which captures the thoughts of Holmes on the subject.
Holmes looked bemused and irritated as he surveyed the mound that the day's correspondence made. "Birthday cards and well-wishes," he explained curtly as my eyebrows raised. "Most of them come from the so-called 'fan girls' but a distressing number of them are from otherwise rational adults across the globe."
"But today is January the sixth," I answered, confused. "Why would they think today is your birthday?"
"Because of a theory put forth several decades ago that, because I have twice quoted The Twelfth Night in your writings and risen later than was my wont in what you termed The Valley of Fear, my birthday must clearly be January 6."
"What on earth is the connection?"
"The twelfth night of the Christmas season, you recall, is January 6. As for the Birlstone mystery, some of your devoted followers have placed the beginning of the case on January 7. They assumed that I could have had no other reason for rising late than because I was suffering from some post-celebratory fatigue."
"In other words, because you were hung over," I clarified, smirking. "Though creative, that is rather poor evidence. You could enlighten them, you know."
Holmes shuddered. "They know enough about me and my ways already. Besides, why should I spoil the mystery for them?"
". . . Holmes? When is your birthday?"
As an aside, Laurie King, who wrote the dreadful Mary Russell novels, believed Holmes to be much younger, but her belief and "scholarship" are colored by her need for a younger, more energetic Holmes to "woo" Ms. Russell ...
You beat me to it Bob.
157 candles I believe.
Must be all that royal jelly