Gielgud Richardson Holmes

In a recent conversation with Riklaa, I mentioned that my Dad gave me a 64kbps set of these wonderful productions. Riklaa kindly asked me to post them here for everyone as a (possible) sonic upgrade to the 32k set that has already been posted to the group. A very special hello to Anson (BOB) Roberts, where ever you may be! Enjoy!

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  • Thanks for the new encodes

    There might be a discrepancy in the sequence if these are USA shows

    American newspapers have them in this sequence....

    Sherlock Holmes 55.01.23 [G&R-04] A Case Of Identity.mp3
    Sherlock Holmes 55.01.30 [G&R-05] The Second Stain.mp3
    Sherlock Holmes 55.02.06 [G&R-06] Bruce Partington Plans.mp3
    Sherlock Holmes 55.02.13 [G&R-07] The Dying Detective.mp3

    Ben Kibler
    • you are welcome, as far as the sequence goes, it does not make much of a difference really. many of Holmes cases were not in sequential order, but, in the 16 original stories what reasoning is there in having Holmes tumble off the falls with Moriarity, find himself back in the limelight some 3 years later and then (sheesh) end the series with the Dying Detective. now that doesn't make any sense at all.
      certainly put them in any order you wish, follow the americans if you must, or follow the canonical order as I do. I kind of like the return of Holmes in EMPT ending the series though, it was comforting to have him back, healthy!
      do enjoy though, that is paramount
  • I very much look forward to hearing one of my favorite series in an upgrade. Thanks for sharing.
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