Gaslight Grimoire audio and e-book

Thanks to the work of Thomas Kelly (the original poster) and Rick, I've acquired a full set of the Gaslight Grimoire audiobook. I've added the ID3 tags and created one RAR file which includes both the audiobook and the e-book in epub and mobi formats.

Thanks again to Thomas.

If anyone has the other two volumes in thsi series in either audio or e-book, let me know, please.


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  • Thanks Thomas, Bob and Rick for sorting this out. I think I've read some of the stories elsewhere.

    I saw Thomas' post the other day but I can't see it now. I can't remember if he said where this audiobook comes from. Listening to the first file we hear that it's a DAISY audiobook which would explain why I've never heard of it. The DAISY system has a number of audiobooks exclusive to the system which I'd like. I know the Peter Cushing reading of The Return was originally recorded for a system like DAISY.

    Wikipedia DAISY

  • I would like to clarify where this post came from.  Thomas Kelly, a new member tried unsuccessfully to post this several times.  The links would be active only for a short time because the storage sites would remove it fairly quickly.  Bob was able to get 15 of the 16 parts.  Thomas then asked me to get 16th part to Bob and he gave me the link.  I was able to download the link and get it to Bob as I was asked to do.  The thanks should go to Thomas for trying very hard to get this gem to us and to Bob for posting it where it would not be removed, his own server.  I played but a minor role in getting the last part to Bob.  ---------------------------  Rick

    • I couldn't find or recall Thomas' name. I'll edit the main discussion post to include it!

      As an aside, if anyone else runs into the same issue with the "free" upload sites, drop me a note and I'

      ll try to make room on my servers.

    • Hi Bob,

      I cannot find the other 2 in E formats but I noticed that while my wife was buying books for her Kindle that Amazon has the Kindle editions of Gaslight Arcanum and Gaslight Grolesque for $2.99 each -- Rick

  • Thank you! I have tree-book versions of the first two volumes of this series, as they contain EXCELLENT pastiches by one of my favourite modern writers, Barbara Roden. This volume also contains another quite wonderful pastiche "The Lost Boy," which is one of the most enjoyable SH pastiches I've ever read (& I've read LOTS). I encourage all lovers of Sherlock Holmes to give that & "The Things That Shall Come Upon Them" an extra special listen; well worth your time.

  • Yay! The Times Past crew does it again! Thanks.

    • Many Thanks my friend. ------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

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