Hello group members. Hope you're all well and keeping as cool as possible in this weather.
I've been meaning to mention this here in the group since it started around 3 years ago.
From Adler to Amberley is a Holmes podcast that is hosted by the website Casebook which is the most well known website on Jack The Ripper. If my memory serves me right, the website started before the turn of the millenium. I lurked there for a number of years and then made an account around 2004 I think. A personal interest in the Ripper case started around the same age as when I first read the Holmes canon, around the age of 10.
Each podcast episode dedicates itself to one of the stories. The latest episode is the 17th I think. If I've counted correctly. They come as mp3s, although the latest, being a video podcast, is mp4 and considering who they have as guest on the latest episode (as well as a lack of any new Holmes drama these days apart from Imagination Theater and Big Finish) I thought it was time to make a post here in the Times Past group.
The latest episode has Bert Coules as guest, as well as, and not for the first time, Leslie Klinger. Nick Utechin has also made a guest appearance on a previous episode. The latest episode is actually dedicated to The Final Problem and The Empty House. The Great Hiatus Special.
Given there are so many ways of listening/viewing the episodes I can't give instructions for all cases, but I can explain how I do it on my Windows PC with the Firefox browser.
This first link is Casebook's main podcast page. There is no Adler to Amberley section and the episodes are mixed in with other podcasts, the Rippercasts.
At the bottom of each podcast's desciption is a link titled "Listen to this podcast". Using the latest episode as an example, click that link. Then on this next page, at the bottom is the following line of text "If you'd like to download the full mp3 you may do so by clicking here. You may wish to right-click on this link and select "Save as" in order to save the .mp3 file directly to your computer."
The words "clicking here" in that line of text is clickable. I do as it actually says, right-click and save as. By the way, like I said, the podcasts being mostly audio are mp3 but this latest, being video, is mp4, although it says mp3 in the description.
If you don't have a right-click and save as option then here's another option. Below is a link to the Rippercast index and it includes the From Adler to Amberley podcasts.
The file names for each From Adler to Amberley episode begins with "A2A" The latest episode is fully titled "A2A_Live_Event_w_Coules_and_Klinger.mp4" In Firefox, if I left click the file it starts in a new tab which I can select "File" and then "Save Page As" to get the mp3/mp4. If you're not concerned about saving them on your hard drive it might be best to see if they just play in the browser you use for websites.
If you're still having problems, just holler and I will try to help. Maybe I can upload them to my Dropbox or Mediafire and then give out a link.