BBC coverage of SH London Society Reichenbach 2012

Sherlock Holmes and his fight to the death

The link above is for a BBC news web page which includes a short (2:21) video. I've knocked up a 25MB mp4 version of the video. Here's a link to the folder:

SkyDrive Reichenbach 2012 BBC coverage

The other 2 files in the folder are a txt file which just has the text from the BBC page and the zip file has the web page's images. One of which is above and I've shown it the same way that the BBC page have which looks wrong? I think it should be shown in portrait but even then I'm not sure which way!

The BBC news page, half way down under 'Find out more', also says:

"You can hear Imogen Foulkes at the Reichenbach Falls on Radio 4's The World Tonight, at 22:00 BST on Monday 17 September"

Well I've just listened to said program (the BBC web site has the World Tonight as podcasts) and I didn't hear anything about Reichenbach. There is no World Tonight the day before, Sunday, and I'm half way through listening to Tuesday's show and still nothing so I'm not sure what happened there.

Anybody come across any other coverage of the Reichenbach pilgrimage on the web?

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