
  • What a find! Thanks Bob.2473760765?profile=original



    • TYou're welcome!


      Does nayone happen to have the book (perhaps as a PDF or a CBR)?

    • Very nice, mon ami,

      An award should be given for the cover though, it is a prime example of a dis-associative disorder in action, or should that be, lack of action. Holmes seems to be quite comfortable with a giant gorilla beside him.

      Mr. Wayne and the beast seem to share similar expressions.

      While Rome burns, Sherlock relights his pipe!

      Merci Monsieur Bob


    •    Glad you liked the cover.  The title Batman and Sherlock Holmes lead to blind alley after blind alley  After a long internet search, constantly changing search criteria, I finally found it.  I found the audio clip in many places, but never the context..

          You asked for a PDF of the book.  I found a copy and it is attached here.  Note that there are two stories in the book and "Mystery of the Scarecrow Corpse" is the second story.

    • Thank you!
  • “Mystery of the Scarecrow Corpse” featured the Caped Crusader teaming up with the (implied) ghost of (implied) Sherlock Holmes to solve a murder mystery.  In the DC Record and Book BR 512 from 1976.  Copy of the book cover attached.
    • I thought I'd jpeg it for all to see.


    • Thank you for showcasing the cover.  When I downloaded it to this site, I did not know if I was allowed to display it like that.  As a new member I did not want to step on any toes with a bad post.  Thanks again.
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