If there is interest, it might be fun to assemble virtually, as do The Hounds of the Internet, in our own ittle group.
I would propose that we call ourselves "The Collectors of Obscure Volumes." This seems an appropriate sobriquet considering our penchant for locating and offering lesser-known reference to The Master.
Any interest?
Monsieur Bob
I would be pleased to join any scion that is devoid of any unnecessary hazing tactics.
The Detective and his chronicler are always of interest to me!
I've no doubt that we could amass a couple of interested parties to join in.
Awaiting you next instruction
I am rather disturbed that, with a membership of over 200, we could only muster interest from you, Steve and Jake.
I never fail to feel some tingle or frisson when I hear or read the name of 'The Detective'.
We, who understand that Sherlock did not subscribe to RIM technologies are the true followers and in that we are of a small but, succinct scion as it is!
"I say Holmes, what do you believe the embrocation was that finished it off?"
"Scion-ide, my dear Watson, scion-ide!"
Winston Churchill once reportedly exclaimed,
"That is the sort of thing up with which I will not put!"
to mock someone who criticized him for ending a sentence with a preposition.
A misplaced preposition, when strategically used , may help one to allay any possibility of being misconstrued! N'est pas?
I saw this post a few hours after you posted it and thought I'd churn over it in my head a bit, maybe come up with an idea or two that could be used, and reply in a day or two. However I haven't done much churning! I'm interested but what did you have in mind exactly?