
  • 2473760337?profile=original

    I noticed the version of The Lost Special here is from Escape 12 February 1949.

    There was also a version for Suspense dated 30 September 1943 with Orson Welles.

    This was actually a fairly recent find I believe. Rand's Esoteric blog goes into it a bit.

    Quoted from that blog.

    "the story is told by the main character and framed as a broadcast by a condemned man that will reveal the identity of persons responsible for certain crimes."

  • The LA Theatre Works version of The Lost World from Halloween 2010.

    The first part (hour) of the Halloween show was War Of The Worlds. This show is from the second hour.



  • The Brazilian Cat by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • This is pretty good! I remember with great fondness a two-part BBC Radio 4 dramatisation from the 1970s, with Francis De Wolfe (Dr Mortimer in Hammer Films' "The Hound of the Baskervilles") perfectly cast as Professor Challenger and Carleton Hobbs equally excellent as Summerlee. Alas, my off-air recording disintegrated long ago...

    • I will post it within the next few days, Maggers. I also have James Mason's reading of that novel.
    • Estleman I had the original 2 cassette package of The Lost World read by James Mason,(who is an absolute favourite of mine), and it broke five or so years ago I lisened to it so much. I would love to hear this one again. Remember when the dinosaur is ' stalking ' him through the woods at night?! I remember lying in the dark in a cold sweat listening,it was so well done! (Remember his great rendition of BOMBO, their native guide and helper?!) Thanks so much for this, and to everyone for all the GREAT new posts! - Ron L. Ottawa.
    • Ron

      Give me a few days, and I'll track it down and post it for you. Glad you're enjoying this group.
    • Thanks Estleman. I listened to the " Alien Voices ", crew last night. It is Excellent! What great enthusiam. They really must have enjoyed making it. Highly recommended! - Ron L.
    • As promised. Ron, if you enjoyed the Star Trek cast under the "Alien Voices" label, you might like to seek out their versions of War of the Worlds and The Invisible Man on the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Group.
      If anyone has adaptations of any of the other Professor Challenger stories, I'd love to hear them, but I'm not aware of any having ever been done. Certainly, The Land of Mist would probably defy adaptation - although, if I had to select an ideal radio Challenger, it would probably be Roger Johnson of the Old Court Radio Theatre Players. Now I come to think of it, a Challenger series recorded by the Old Court Team and broadcast by Imagination Theater would be a superb collaboration! A man can dream, can't he..?
    • As promised
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