It's time I contributed something positive to this group. Let's see if I've got the hang of this technology...
"The Adventure of the Pimlico Poisoner" was written by Peter Mackie, who had worked with Bert Coules on "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" for BBC Radio 4. This play was broadcast on 11 March 1991, with William Chubb as Holmes and Crawford Logan as Watson. Logan had earlier played Watson as an Englishman, to Roger Rees's Holmes, in "The Hound of the Baskervilles", dramatised by Bert Coules. Here he uses his native Scottish accent, as Bill Paterson did more recently in the BBC TV film "Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars".
This play involves Holmes with the sadistic murderer Thomas Neill Cream, who later featured in David Pirie's "Murder Rooms" series for BBC TV. His appearances there were purely fictional. "The Pimlico Poisoner" deals with his real crimes - but there is a Curious Incident...
None of Neill Cream's poisonings took place in Pimlico!
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My profound thanks, I just love it when I get something that I didn't even know existed. You Sir are a Gentleman and a Scholar.--------------------Rick
Well, that was fun. I've managed to get both parts of the play attached to the one posting, which is good, so the title of this discussion really out to be simply "The Adventure of the Pimlico Poisoner". And I still managed to mistype the word "took" in the last line...