William Gillette

Much of what the general public regards as the archetypal image of Sherlock Holmes is due to William Gillette, who personified Holmes for many years in his stage play (named, appropriately enough, “Sherlock Holmes”): Possibly best known in his day for embodying the celebrated character of Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (with whom the actor also became a close personal friend), Gillette imposed his cachet forever on the character’s stereotype: deerstalker cap, cloak, curved pipe and the phrase: “Oh, this is elementary, my dear Watson.” [Wikipedia] This was recorded in 1936 when Gillette was 80 years old and is the only surviving audio clip of The actor whose adaptation on the stage of Sherlock Holmes was copied for many years and still is.


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  •   I do not know the proper protocol, but I copied and reviewed some files from the Old Time Radio Research Library.  I did not know if there are concerns about posting shows here that are on the OTRR website.

      One of the newer posts is a 9 minute 29 second version of Gillette that includes the 50 seconds posted above.  The file is listed under "Sherlock Holmes - MISC 2" and is titled "Sherlock Holmes - Misc_35-11-18 (55) Sherlock Holmes (Lux Ra". 

    • Look around the site and see what is here and then you tell me if it is alright to post something. LOL  No protocol except have a short text description of the item and a picture if possible.  Beforehand store the item in net storage.  The easiest to download from are GE.TT and Kiwi 6  Then just link it to your post and you are good to go.  --  Rick

    • The link below includes the final scene.  This scene was not included in Jeremy Holstein's youtube video.  This scene adds another 3 minutes and 12 seconds to the video version.



    • I believe the extra 3 minutes 12 seconds is in part 2:


      That includes what I believe is the only actual footage of Gillette.

    • Many thanks Jeremy. As soon as I get the proper program up and running i will record this to audio.   ---------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

    • Thank You Sir!  That is a nice addition to my collection. --------------------------------------------  Rick

  • The recording was made by Harvard professor Frederick Clifton Packard in West Medford, MA in Feb. 1936. Packard played Watson and his wife Alice played Alice Faulkner. Gillette was on tour in Boston and accepted Packard's invite to his home where they made the recording on a glass disc.

    A few years back I made a YouTube video synchronizing this recording to photos of Gillette. You can find it here:

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