Anne Perry Monk Series


    Is anyone else interested in Anne Perry's Monk series I have been looking for Audiobook 6 Cain his brother ( 1995 ) for some time and can not find one with out paying inflated prices.

                                                                                  Thanks    Roy

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  • 2473773165?profile=original

    Book 6 Cain His Brother - Ann Perry LINK

    Best I could find. 32K Bitrate.

    Most likely Coded from Cassette

    ----------------------------  R

    • Thanks!

    • Thanks Rick

                          I tried to upload the early books in the series as you need to hear the first one to fully understand the rest of the series, but got an error code 2032 so will have to sort that out first.


    • Times Past will only take a 5 meg file now so to post on Times past you either have to have it stored in your own private storage like A-Drive or One Drive.  The alternative to that is to post them to Uploads in the appropriate folder.  If you wish to have instructions on Uploads let me know.  I can send you what I have on it.  That is the baby of the owner of Times Past, Robert, so any more information would have to be gotten from him.  I had trouble with it early on and tend to steer clear.  My computer either doesn't like it or vice versa.  Any way you cut it the two are not compatible.  It is a shame since we all would like free posting.  C'est la vie.  -----------------------------------------  R

    • Hi Rick

                  Have tried every thing to get rid of the error without success so would like the instructions for uploading please


    • Check this out and then ask me specifics.  This is a tutorial on posting here.  Good luck and check back if you have problems.  One thing that is not in the tutorial is that of your post has many files either rar or zip them to make one rar or zip file and post that.  ---------------------------  R


    • Thanks Rick!

  • Roy, there is a specific group for requests.  It is called Requests.  Anyone who is going to answer a request will be looking there, not here.  ------------------------------------------------------  R

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