Setting up a post on TP
Start with a show or set of shows in mind and ask yourself. How can I best present this post , keeping in mind that you are posting this for others? What should I put into the post? Is there a good picture available to represent this post and draw others to it? Can I write or find a description of the post so the downloaders know what it is and if they want to download it?
A Couple of minutes getting these things together can make the difference between an unnoticed, useless post and a post that others will notice and express their gratitude for and give you a good feeling. Remeber that all of our posts are from somewhere on the net or from a purchased show we have, but the difference is that it is posted here and in one trusted place, Times Past, our site.
Some of the better storage sites are Skydrive and A-Drive. You can get a free account at either. We haven't been able to upload straight to TP in a couple years now. Just make sure you set up the account as private then get a link for the upload to put on TP.. It will all make sense soon enough. I am not sure what the limits are on either one, but they are both user friendly.
Usually on free storage you have to sign in once a month at least to keep the links current. We try to keep our own links current, so myself, since I am such a volume poster to Times Past I opted to pay for storage at both places. I don't expect you to pay for storage. I was just telling you because we like to think not just about the members who are here now, but future members also. NING, our server for Times Past let us keep the many many gigs of stuff we had on their servers when they lowered the limit. The limit is more than adequate for the text and picture that goes with our posts. We also like it if you follow the format of posters like myself in constructing your post. All of the tools needed for this are in the upper toolbar of every window you pull up at TP. On the left is link. This is used to make your link into an executable. To the right of that is a rectangle that looks like it has a picture inside That is how you get a picture on your post from your hard drive. It will appear on the line that your cursor is blinking and choices of where on that line will pop up in the picture choice process.
Once you have your storage site picked out, go back to Times Past and figure out what group to post t to post to if you have found a picture. Keep it handy.
Now go to the group you picked and and scroll down on the selections listed until you see "Add a Discussion. Left Click on it and you are now in a new window. Write your description of the post. if you are lifting a description off the net, please give credit for it somewhere in your post. Try and copy the format of my or other's posts
At the bottom of the post after about 3 enters on the keyboard you take the link you got from your storage for your piece you are uploading. If you are using A-Drive or One Drive then follow their directions for getting a link. Place your cursor on where you want your link to be, then go there and follow directions for uploading and getting a link. After you get a link go to the little bar on the discussion window and either place your cursor where you want the link and the use the link maker on the bar. You can also put the title of the post also where you want the link and highlight it and then use the bar and it will make your highlighted text your link.
I hpe this is a help. it is much easier than it sounds. ---------------------------------------- R