
  • .
    Yep, new one for me too. Thanks for sharing.
  • Thank You Tigger,
    I think this is the only one I don't have. I took Mine off , in deference to someone else's set. -------------------------- Rick
    • Shoot... should I put it in the other War of the Worlds thread?
    • Not until I grab it, please! :>)

      Thanks - this is also one that i don't have.
    • I like it right where it is. If you want you can link it in, that way they use the link and they are right here to download it. One post and twice the mileage. Do You know how? If you don't let me know and I will tell ya how. OK ------------------------------------------------------------- Rick
    • Linked it! Thanks for the help.

      And this offering is my pleasure guys.
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