All Science Fiction and Fantasy posts are to be placed here. (EXCEPT) Scifi Audio Books go in Audio Books. Scifi with superior sound is to be placed in Headphones .
Science Fiction Radio - BBC
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To Magicaxeman,
Thank You my friend. I went to your share folder and found one that I have been trying for weeks to get off torrents with no luck and got it from you. ----- R
Thanks so much, Dwight. Some wonderful stuff here.
Thanks so much, Dwight. Some wonderful stuff here.
hey Star eater,
I checked with Ning on the search issue and they said what I thought they would. It will take a couple of days to a week for the search to index the entire list of TP posts. It even indexes the answers to them plus the thank yous. Damn that is a lot of indexing and I can see why it will take time. LOL. ----------------------------------------------- R
Thanks for the Compliments Chimp. ---------- R
Another new member here, I have been trying to think what to post for you all but then thought why not just post a link to my share folder and then you can help yourselves to whatever takes your fancy.
Here's whats in it.
Closed planet
The Death of grass
Host planet earth
Independence day UK
Keep watching the skies
The Quatermass memoirs
Rendevous with Rama
War of the worlds (1967 BBC)
Dan Dare - Pilot of the future
Journey to the centre of the earth
The day of the triffids
The Kraken wakes
Alien worlds 1, 2 and 3
Orbiter X
Brave new worlds
Captain Starr of space
On the beach - Nevil Shute
The challenge of space
Space 1889
The Argo - Sailor of the stars
Sea of stars - A voyage of the space cruiser Argo
Folder here
Hi, just joined this group, and can I say there is a lot of brilliant stuff on here!, going to take weeks looking through it all
More to come David! ------------------------------------------------------- Rick
Brilliant work again on the Heinlein stuff Rick!