In honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the greatest radio broadcast ever, i have collected a group of files that reflect the history of this incredible work

Included are several adaptations of the original work, radio station commentary (both at the time and current), a collection of pastiches and spoofs written in response to a Convergence contest and even a Sherlock Holmes pastiche by Manly Wade Wellman (in text only).

Note that there three separate version of the LATW presentation. Two are identical except for the intro and outro, which contain quite a bit of info and commentary. Also included are several interviews done by LATW

I also added two  BBC 75th anniversary broadcasts The first is the original work, with a commentary by George Takei. Note that this is encoded at 192 kbps, which merely improves the quality of the distortion and static in the original AM broadcast. :>)

The second is a documentary entitled Orson Welles and 'The War of the Worlds' - Myth or Legend


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  • That is a superb collection of WotW stuff! 

  • Very nice comprehensive collection Bob, comprehensive thanks.


  • Thanks a lot for this, Bob.

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