The Mermaids Tail by Lucy Gough


BBC R4 - Lucy Gough's 'The Mermaids Tail'
With material from Marina Warner
Produced by Rosie Boulton
Directed by Peter Leslie Wild
Broadcast December 28, 1999
Coded from tape at 128/44.1

The myth of the mermaid ...

... explored through the wants of a youngish girl.

The Girl - Alison Pettitt
The Boy - Tom George
The Mother - Sunny Ormonde
The Interviewee - Marina Warner
Shipping Forecast - Peter Donaldson

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  • Just a note:


    Whenever you see a file with the "sp7" appended to the name, credit should be given to the amazing BBC archivist "spafon7e" who haunts some of the better private trackers and fora, offering his collection to all members.

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