The Kraken Wakes (CBC)

This is a five-part adaptation by the CBC

The Kraken Wakes (CBC)
John Wyndham
CBC 1965

What is the mystery of the blazing fireballs that plunge in to sea and never surface?

Sam Paine, Shirley Broderick, Michael Irwin, Derek Walston, Allan Routon, John White, Ivar Harries, Greg Barnes, Peter Brockington, Otto Lowy, Roland Hunter

Sound effects - Lars Eastholm
Produced and directed - Norman Euton
Technical operations - Ian Stephens

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  • Ah the Cayman Trench Disaster... not quite as dramatic as the BBC version but I can still imagine the Redwood plunging towards the deeps with a nuclear depthcharge strapped on the deck.

  • It's a good production, but five episodes is an odd length.  Maybe that's why the final episode seems to rush through the resolution -- the script was originally intended to be six parts, then for some reason they had to cut it back to five.   That's my suspicion anyway.

    • I would agree. I suspect that they wanted it to fit in a one week slot.

  • Thanks again Bob, I have not heard this one and didn't even know that it existed. ---------------------------------------------- Rick
    • I stumbled across this several years ago on a site dedicated to CBC broadcasts.

      The site was taken down when threatened with litigation by the CBC, even though they conceded it was legal!
    • Excellent, thanks for that.

      I don't have a collection but might be able to contribute.

      There was a substantial hum on that one, I think I've managed to push it to the background.

      Just need to work out how to upload now



    • Episodes 1-5


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