The Day of the Triffids 1957 (BBC radio)

The Day of the Triffids 1957 (BBC radio)

In 1957, the BBC adapted the science fiction novel by John Wyndham to radio.

Cast for the 6 episode 1957 version:

Bill Masen: Patrick Barr
Josella Playton: Monica Gray
Susan Gabriel Blunt

Adapted by: Giles Cooper
Produced: Peter Watts

MPEG-2 layer 3
96 kbps
22050 Hz

The Day of the Triffids is a post-apocalyptic novel written in 1951 by the English science fiction author John Wyndham. The novel is written in the first person and explores the consequences when the vast majority of humanity is suddenly rendered blind, in a world that is then quickly overrun with poisonous ambulatory plants (the Triffids).

The novel was later twice adapted into a radio series, a motion picture, and a television serial.

The novel was adapted into a BBC radio series in 1957 and later again in 1968.

A film version was produced in the UK and released in 1962.

The story was turned into a BBC television serial in 1981.

In 2001 writer Lance Dann adapted the series in two hour long episodes for the BBC Worldservice

In 2001, British novelist Simon Clark wrote a sequel titled 'The Night of the Triffids'.

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  • The interesting thing about the the 1957 and 1968 versions is that they both use the identical script (by Giles Cooper), with subtle directorial differences and, of course, vastly improved sound FX in the later version.

    RICK: Will you upload the newest production or shall I?
    • .
      1957 version was the first science-fiction serial I ever heard on radio.
    • Bob,
      1968 is already posted, if there is a newer one I don't have it but I would definitely like it. ----------- Rick
  • I was surprised to discover recently that there is another TV version of the story, made by the BBC in 2009. http://

    However I think that (as usual) they've been screwing around tinkering with the story.
  • Sorry, Rick, I didn't think to look at the 1968 version. I just listened to it and enjoyed it very much. I picked up the 60s ambiance but placed it earlier in the decade--actually to 1962 confusing it with the year of the movie. Thanks for clearing things up and for posting. Now my next listen will be the 1957 version.
  • I'm confused--what year is the version I have with Gary Watson as Bill Masen? I can't find the thread I downloaded it from.
    Thanks for any help.
    • That would be the 1968 version. It has also been moved here. A lot of the posts I am doing right now are posts that are being moved from Radio Revival. Radio revival had too much in it to find anything so the Scifi and Horror are being moved out and when they are gone it leave only What I classify as Radio Revival. Those show that attempted or are attempting to Revive Radio to it's former glory are all that are going to be on the group. Imagination Theater, CBSRMT, Crisis and many others. It will take another month or 2 to get all the Horror and Scifi out of there, but it will be worth it. --------------------------------------------------------------- Rick
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