The race to which Ampris belongs are powerful, golden-furred carnivores with sharp teeth. They have long been kept by the Viis as slaves, or as in the case of Ampris, pets.
THE KELTH - Elrabin
Elrabin is one of a submissive, dog-like race with stiff, bristly coats and simian hands. Because they are so easily intimidated, Kelth are considered unreliable to handle important tasks. They are not to be trusted...
Renowned for their insight and memories, Myal stand barely three feet tall and are usually poets, musicians, and historians. They control the archives of the Viis empire.
They are filthy, noisy, foul-smelling, and socially repulsive creatures. Yet they are unequaled at maintaining and repairing quantum hardware (the only reason to tolerate them).
Less than two feet high, furry, multi-limbed, and quick, the Skek live like rats in the ducts and garbage of the Viis. It's a common slave belief that if you dropped one Skek in a barrel, the barrel would explode with Skek offspring within a day.
Big, stupid, and brutal, Toths roam the ghetto streets as thugs, but they are also used by their Viis masters as hired enforcers or brownshirts. Nearly as tall as the Viis, they have massive heads covered with thick mats of dirty, curly brown hair. Flies usually buzz around their long, floppy ears. Their faces are broad and flat, with wide nostrils, and their eyes are small and cruel.
Merchants, shopkeepers, traders, the Gorlicans are a steady, hardworking, nonviolent race allied to the Viis. A heavy shell encases their torsos, rendering their balance sometimes precarious, and their arms and legs are covered with thick gray scales instead of skin. Their faces are ugly, with a prominent horned beak for an upper lip, and they have orange or yellow eyes. The must wear masks in public to avoid offending the Viis.
Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles is a sweeping trilogy that will transport you to another time and another place where a legend is about to be born. The Golden One is part one of an epic set in a far distant universe -- a saga of faraway planets and of races strange and more fantastic than any ever seen on our world. Yet their struggles are universal: for justice, for freedom, for peace.
Before the Great Emancipation, in a world ruled by darkness, a hero rose up...THE GOLDEN ONE
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FINALLY!!! *ding ding ding* *yiehawwww*
I found them, Rik! Both Parts! I never stopped looking for those! They are not to buy anymore over here, but i finally found them for you, my friend!!!
192 / 44 Quality, propely tagged, washed, dryed and ironed for the best fit ever! ;)
The Alien Chronicles 01 & 02
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------- R
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...sorry, but "The crimson Claw" is not going to happen, because Part 7 of the youtube-version is wrecked... :(
Thank you very much
I found a version on youtube, wich was taken from the CD-Collection. I grabbed it, mp3ed it and hope you like it! :)
The Alien Chronicles 01 - The golden One
"The crimson Claw" will arrive tomorrow...
Thanks Luke. ------------------------------------------- Rick
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rick
I searched for the third one, for some time now and came to this "They only dramatized the first two books in the trilogy." Since i am not able to find the tinyest peep, i think this might be right!