Tales From The Other Side (1992-NPR)
This Science Fiction series started on 9/20/1992 and broadcast only 4 episodes. While the length of the run is usually indicative of it's quality, I feel that it was superior effort for broadcast radio Science Fiction in the U.S.. There are only 4 shows. They are Stand Alone Full Cast productions.
I found them in my Horror folder. I do not know where i got them or for certain whether there are more or not. From the total lack of information on the series or the 4 episodes I think these are all there are. All I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed them and was left wanting for more shows.
1992-09-20 (1) - Tales from the Other Side - Silicone Symmetry
1992-09-27 (2) - Tales from the Other Side - Mission - Andromeda
1992-10-04 (3) - Tales from the Other Side - Regression Therapy
1992-10-11 (4) - Tales from the Other Side - Breakthrough
Thank you very much
Actually, the Radio Tales series issignificantly larger than the 12 eps broadcast on NPR. They are also still being broadcast:
The series website is at:
According to the website, they are also available for purchase as MP# downloads. I've alos tracked several of the original Durkin-Hayes cassettes to various libraries around the US and to ABEBooks and Alibris where they are available rather cheaply, if cassette tapes are your choice.
There were ten episodes in this series. More information here -
Thanks Wayne. I still can't find a listing of the plays in the series from 1992 and now that I know that there were 6 more it is even more perplexing. I explored the links from the link and some were dead and others were not related. I doesn't seem like 3/5 of a series could just disappear into the ether. I will continue looking and thanks for the help and another piece of the puzzle. ----------------------- R
Thank You Rick.
Thank you!
Thanks again, Rick!
You will enjoy them. -------------- R