Space Force by Charles Chilton

Space Force

This series was originally conceived as a sequel to Journey Into Space. It was re-written with a new set of characters in the same mold as the original. Created by Charles Chilton, this entirely new series was broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in 1984-85 and lasted twelve episodes.

SPACE FORCE and SPACE FORCE II are BBC science fiction radio series,each presented in 6 30-minute episodes.  Both are products of Charles Chilton, who produced the extremely successful JOURNEY INTO SPACE series for the BBC in the 1950's.  SPACE FORCE deals with man's first encounter with beings from outside our solar system.  SPACE FORCE II is an encounter with ancient Egyptian space farers.  The series are named after the main space craft, "Space Force", used by its 4-man crew in their adventures.

Both SPACE FORCE series are similar to JOURNEY INTO SPACE in many respects, even including the character of Chipper, the grandson of Lemmy from JOURNEY INTO SPACE series.  Unfortunately, these series failed to generate the same favorable response as JOURNEY, despite a
high profile launch and cover on the Radio Times, as it was broadcast in a very unfavorable late time slot on the BBC's Radio 2.  Also, both series are fairly juvenile, not very believable, especially for a
modern series.

Overall production values are otherwise quite good.  Listen for the background music from the first Star Trek movie.
Notes taken from Frank Passage's log.

Space Force I - 1 - The Voice from Nowhere.mp3

Space Force I - 2 - Towards the Unknown.mp3

Space Force I - 3 - The Silver Strangers.mp3

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