Sci-fi Adventure (1953-1954)
"From out of the future comes Captain Starr of Space-Space-Space-ace-ace-ace-ace."
Following the craze of Tom Corbett and Space Patrol, Captain Starr flies around the universe in his rocketship, the "Shooting Star," on exciting galactic adventures! It Stars John Larch as Captain Starr. There are only a few shows left of this twice-weekly broadcast program. Listen to Captain Starr and the space rangers in a wonderfully rare program embodying the space mania of the 1950s. Martian thieves, ray machines, and space guns abound, so blast off into the galaxy 1950 style with Captain Starr of Space!
* Denotes that the episode survives
53/06/02 First Episode
* 53/xx/xx Citizens of Mars
* 53/xx/xx The Carnumian Return
* 53/xx/xx The Mericus Plague
* 53/xx/xx The Queen Nilo Incident
* 53/xx/xx The Ray Machine
54/05/27 Last Episode
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