Bill The Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison

Bill The Galactic Hero
by Harry Harrison
Read by Kerry Shale

Harry Harrison's story about corruption, power and war.  Says near as much as Catch 22, but in plainer prose, half the space, and with double the laughs. A true work of genius.

Though technically a reading by Kerry Shale it plays like a Narrated piece with different sounding voices for some characters and is supported by elaborate sound effects and electronic music for added dramatic impact. It is also an Omnibus edition from tape.  The original was broadcast in 14 minute parts.

Kerry Shale trained in Canada, but has been based in Britain since 1978.

Abridged by Paul Meyhew-Archer
Music by BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Produced by Paul Meyhew-Archer
Directed by Sylvia Carter
Broadcast August 1984 - BBCR-4

Bill The Galactic Hero LINK

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  • Much obliged!
    • Accepted and appreciated!  ------------------  R

  • Nice one Rick

    love the picture


    • Hi Bob,

      I have been looking for this one for years and through a bit of detective work I finally found it yesterday.  I was looking for it for about the 20th time in the search engines and found a reference to it.  What I arrived at was most likely a virus  exe file weighing in at less than a megabyte, but it said that it was gotten at a particular torrent group I occasionally frequent.  I went to the group and entered a search of exactly the wording on the exe gatbage file and voila. there it was.  It was a nail biting time waiting to see if it really was that broadcast, but it was a magical moment when I opened the folder and started it playing.  Providence had been in my corner this tme around.  Enjoy it, I am, it was a very long search.   -----------  R

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