Aliens in the Mind – BBC Radio Drama
This six-part BBC radio drama stars none other than Peter Cushing and Vincent Prince, who between them became two of the most famous horror film stars of the 1950s and 1960s.
‘Aliens in the Mind’ is based on a story by the then-foremost Doctor Who script editor Robert Holmes. It centres around the discovery, on a remote Scottish island, of a community of ‘human mutants’ capable of telepathy. A plan is in place to use them to control the British Government, and friends Curtis Lark (Vincent Price) and Hugh Baxter (Peter Cushing) join forces to combat them.
First broadcast in early 1977, presented here as the 2006 CD release:
Disc 1 – Chapter 1 (‘Island Genesis’)
- Chapter 2 (‘Hurried Exodus’)
Disc 2 – Chapter 3 (‘Unexpected Visitations’)
- Chapter 4 (‘Official Intercessions’)
Disc 3 – Chapter 5 (‘Genetic Revelations’)
- Chapter 6 (‘Final Tribulations’)
Curtis Lark …………………………………. Vincent Price
John Cornelius ………………………………. Peter Cushing
Donal Scoular ……………………………….. Henry Stamper
Flora Keiry ………………………………….. Sandra Clark
Mrs Kyle …………………………………… Shirley Dixon
Dr Hugh Dexter/Police Seargeant/Ian Sanderson …….. Fraser Kerr
Mary ……………………………………… Irene Sutcliffe
The Purser/The Police Constable/Manson ………….. Andrew Seear
Kalmaan Barrowmeq …………………………….. Steve Plytas
Joanne ……………………………………… Joan Matheson
Gulliver ……………………………………. William Eedle
Brigadier Sherman …………………………. Clifford Norgate
Gwynt …………………………………….. Michael Harbour
Home Office Official ………………………… James Thomason
Sir Graham McLudden ……………………….. Richard Hurndall
Lady McLudden …………………………………. Joan Benham
Genre: Sci-Fi
Language: English
Publisher: BBC Audiobooks Ltd
Commercial release Date:
CD – 03/07/2006
Original Broadcast Date: 02/01/1977 – 06/02/1977
Format: MP3, inc. M3U playlist
Bit rate: 128kbps
Total Running Time: 2hour 45 mins
I really like this.
Doctor Who would probably recognise it as Robert Holmes even if he wasn't actually named on it.
In many ways it's very reminiscent of The Wicker Man. The whole thing is quite eerie.
Definitely recommended.
Professor Curtis Lark, played by Vincent Price and John Cornelius, played by Peter Cushing, join forces when their friend, Dr. Hugh Dexter, dies under mysterious circumstances on the remote Scottish island of Lewig. What they soon discover is a colony of mutants and a fantastic plan to use them to control the government of Great Britain.
The six-part series was written by Rene Basilico from an idea of Robert Holmes
Electronic effects for the series were by Chris Jenkins.
Directed by John Dyas
1) 'Island Genesis' (Sunday 2nd January 1977 @ 7:00 p.m.)
After the funeral of Dr. Hugh Dexter, who died under mysterious circumstances on the remote Scottish island of Lewig, John Cornelius is joined by Professor Curtis Lark to find answers regarding their friend's death. Supposedly, he died falling to his death after walking along a dangerous cliff top in thick fog. By his body were found his reading glasses while the case for them were found in his home. This, along with a cryptic note written by Hugh Dexter shortly before his death to Professor Curtis Lark telling him of a terrible danger and that he needs help.
With Vincent Price [Professor Curtis Lark], Peter Cushing [John Cornelius], Henry Stamper [Reverend Donald Scooler], Sandra Clark [Flora Currey], Shirley Dixon [Mrs. Molly Kyle], Irene Sutcliffe [Mary], and Fraser Kerr [Dr. Hugh Dexter].
2) 'Hurried Exodus' (Sunday 9th January 1977 @ 7:00 p.m.)
On the remote Scottish isle of Lewig, Lark and Cornelius are convinced that the death of their friend, Dr. Hugh Dexter, was no accident. From his research notes they diagnois the islands sickness as early symptoms of a strange, genetic mutation affecting many of the islands inhabitants, turning them into zombies - blindly obeying orders from an unknown source. The key to the mystery seems to be an apparently simple-minded, 18-year-old girl Flora Currey who saves them from burning to death in a fire that destroys Dr. Dexter's house and with it, the housekeeper, Molly Kyle.
With Vincent Price [Professor Curtis Lark], Peter Cushing [John Cornelius], Henry Stamper [Reverend Donald Scooler], Sandra Clark [Flora Currey], Fraser Kerr [Police Sergeant], Irene Sutcliffe [Mary], and Andrew Seear [The Purser].
3) 'Unexpected Visitations' (Sunday 16th January 1977 @ 7:00 p.m.)
Convinced that the apparently simple-minded Flora Currey must be the key to the mysterious genetic mutation affecting the inhabitants of Lewig, Lark and Cornelius persuade her to leave the island and come with them to London. But no sooner have they got her on the boat to the mainland, that Flora changes her mind.
With Vincent Price [Professor Curtis Lark], Peter Cushing [John Cornelius], Sandra Clark [Flora Currey], Steve Plytas [Carmen Baramek], Joan Matheson [Joanne], and Andrew Seear [The Police Constable].
4) 'Official Intercession' (Sunday 23rd January 1977 @ 7:00 p.m.)
Lark and Cornelius take Flora Currey away from the remote island of Lewig with its frightening colony of mutants and bring her to London where they hope to investigate her mysterious powers as a Controller. Under hypnosis, Flora unwittingly exposes more of the mutants nearer to home.
With Vincent Price [Professor Curtis Lark], Peter Cushing [John Cornelius], Sandra Clark [Flora Currey], Fraser Kerr [Ian Sanderson], William Eedle [Gulliver], Clifford Norgate [Brigadier Sherman], and Michael N. Harbour [Gwent].
5) 'Genetic Revelation' (Sunday 30th January 1977 @ 7:00 p.m.)
Lark and Cornelius have established the existence of another colony of mutants, this time in the heart of London. Flora Currey unwittingly identifies two of them: the Brigadier in charge of security at the Home Office and an M.P., Ian Sanderson, who later admits to being Flora's real father. But a new group of mutants surely means another Controller and Lark and Cornelius hope that with Flora's help, they can uncover him. Instead, Flora is murdered.
With Vincent Price [Professor Curtis Lark], Peter Cushing [John Cornelius], Fraser Kerr [Ian Sanderson], William Eedle [Gulliver], James Thomason [Home Office Official], and Andrew Seear [Manson].
6) 'Final Tribulation' (Sunday 6th February 1977 @ 7:00 p.m.)
When Flora Currey is murdered, Lark and Cornelius decide to tell her father, the M.P. Ian Sanderson, that he is himself a mutant, able to be manipulated by the unidentifiable Controller. The same person who ordered his daughter's death. Shocked and horrified, Sanderson agrees to help them trace the organisation back to its source. Their search finally leads them to an Educational Trust with headquarters at a Merchant bank in the city.
With Vincent Price [Professor Curtis Lark], Peter Cushing [John Cornelius], Richard Hurndall [Sir Graham McClendon], Joan Benham [Lady McClendon], Fraser Kerr [Ian Sanderson], Henry Stamper [Reverend Donald Scooler], and Andrew Seear [Manson].