Classic romantic dramas, comedies & historical fiction; soaps & melodramas; and more.
The Song Thief by Michael Chaplin
A young composer arrives in Northumberland, looking for an old man reputed to have written a hauntingly beautiful love song. The old man only sang it once - after his wife left him - and says he'll it sing it no more. The composer embarks on a cold-hearted campaign to make the old man's daughter fall in love with him. In the long summers of Edwardian England, a stream of educated young men trickled out of London and meandered into the country. Composers and musicologists, they carried with them…
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Always heard about this book ! Eager to hear...
Many Thanks for letting me join your group.........Jack
I have had to remove some of my posts following a security scare with my storage provider. I am now in the process of reposting them along with some new stuff which I hope you will find entertaining.
I will have to have you do it for me. I don't do or understand code. ---- Rick